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The Captician X Dre616 - How to brush your baseball cap & Hats


e're excited to kick off a new series of hat care videos and blogs with the famous Dre616 YouTube channel. Since 2017, Doug has been sharing his vast knowledge and insights on all things related to hats.

We're joining forces to bring you the best tips and methods for maintaining your hat collection. To start off, we're going to focus on an essential yet often neglected aspect of hatcare: brushing. It may not seem like a big deal, but brushing can make a significant difference in keeping your hats looking fresh and clean.

Brushing - The Secret to Keeping Your Hat Looking Fresh.

Brushing your hat is a crucial and simple task to maintain its quality. It helps prevent dust, lint, hair, and soil particles from accumulating on the fabric. When these particles remain on the hat, they can get embedded and attract even more dirt, requiring more frequent cleaning. By brushing your hat after each use and storing it correctly, you can extend its lifespan and keep it looking sharp for a longer time.

The best hat brush for the job.

When it comes to brushing your hat, not all brushes are suitable for the job. It's essential to choose a brush with the appropriate bristle stiffness that matches your hat's fabric.

Using a brush that is too hard can snag the material, while a brush that is too soft may not effectively remove lint and debris. Thankfully, the brush included in the full Captician kit is suitable for all fabric types, ensuring that you have the right tool for the job.

Correct brushing technique.

When brushing your cap, there are a couple of things to keep in mind for the best results. First, brush with the grain of the fabric, which you can spot by looking at the lines on the material.

Second, brush away from the cap using firm, even strokes. Avoid scrubbing as it can cause fading and make your hat look fuzzy. By following these simple steps, you can keep your hat in excellent condition for a long time.

Instructions - How to brush your baseball cap & hats.

Inside of the cap

Step 1 - Inside of the crown.

To brush the inside of your hat, hold it gently with the inside facing you. Start brushing from the center of the crown where the button is, and sweep outward in a gentle motion. Do this for each inside panel to get rid of any dirt or debris.

Step 2 - Unfold the sweatband.

Make sure not to overlook the sweatband area of your hat as it's a common spot for hair and lint to accumulate. To clean it properly, gently unfold the sweatband to expose the underside.

Step 3 - Brush behind.

Starting from one point brush away from the hat until you return back to the start. Be sure to thoroughly brush between any of the excess folds of fabric behind the sweatband.

Step 4 - Fold down and brush.

Fold the sweat band back down. Brush away any remaining debris from the correct side of the band.

Step 5 - Under visor.

Once the inside of the crown and both sides of the sweatband are complete, the final step for the inside is to brush the underside of the visor.

Outside of the cap

Step 6 - Top of the crown to the bottom.

Ideally, use a mannequin head or an object to provide a stable form, although the hat can be brushed freehand.  Start brushing from the top of the cap at the button. To avoid going over the same area, brush each panel of the crown individually.

Step 7 - Crevice between crown and brim.

An area that gets missed is the space where the crown and the visor joins. Give this section some attention.

Step 8 - The finale - Top of the visor.

The last step is to brush the top side of the brim, which is usually handled the most and can accumulate dirt easily. Take your time with this area to ensure that it's thoroughly cleaned. Once you've finished brushing the cap, take a quick look to make sure that nothing was missed. This will help you catch any straggling bits.

We hope this helps you to keep your hats looking their best. Regularly brushing them is an easy yet crucial for maintaining their appearance. By incorporating brushing into your routine, you can keep your collection looking fresh for years to come.

Easily Keep Your Collection Clean and Protected

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